Iščemo košček sreče…
»Resnično verjamem v srečo. Ugotavljam namreč, da trše ko delam, več sreče imam.«Thomas Jefferson
Kaj sploh je sreča? Kako jo najdemo? Kje jo najdemo? Pri urah angleščine, namenjenim nadarjenim učencem, se pogovarjamo o marsičem. Tokrat smo si ogledali posnetek komika Jima Carreya, ki je pripravil ganljiv govor študentom ob podelitvi diplom. Učenci so napisali nekaj svojih misli o slišanem in o tem, kako živeti polno, radostno, veselo. Spodaj si lahko preberete misli osmošolke Alme.
Tina Zupančič
In search of happiness – My thoughts on Jim Carrey speech
We are all searching for happiness. How can we find it? Comedian Jim Carrey offers some guidelines on how to live a truly fulfilling life.
I think Jim Carrey is very smart and inspirational. I believe his job is amazing, and to think we have an actor who wants to make people laugh and not worry, that is beautiful. Today his speech inspired me a lot. Especially when he said not to be afraid, because I am afraid of what my future will be like. Or at least, I was afraid. He actually is my favourite comedian. He has always made me laugh and to be honest, he still does. I sometimes worry about how my life will work out, will I be happy, will I mean something one day. But somehow, when I watch his movies and his freaky laugh, I do not worry anymore. I think he does his job amazingly. He does not want us to worry and he is successful at it. At least in my case. What inspired me most was his saying: ˝When the door opens in real life, just walk through it.˝ I believe that is a good saying, because many people today do not walk through that door, even though it is wide open. Are people scared? I used to be, but he has convinced me I am stronger than the fear I feel. In his speech, he claims you should do what you love, that is brilliant. Mostly, people do what others tell them. Not what they love. That is how society works today I guess. But that is wrong in my opinion. Just take a chance with faith. I think he is right. I totally agree with him.
Nothing is bigger than you, so do what you love and become the happiness you are looking for. Dreams may seem too big to come true. But if you do not feel fear, then it is not impossible to make them come true. You know, it is really your choice on how you want to live your life. Nobody can tell you who or what you have to be, it is up to you. Try not to worry, live in the present, because the present is a gift. Future will come later. Only you can decide whether you want to be happy or not. Happiness is a choice. Do what you love. Be a dreamer, dreams do come true.
Alma Tursunović, 8.c